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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with French
08 June, 2007

Barley news Europe: Barley crops are looking much better than four weeks ago except in the Balkan countries

After a long drought period from end March till early May, West and Central European weather returned to normal again, the May was cool and rainy, albeit with great regional variations, analysts announced June 5.

Barley crops are looking much better than four weeks ago except in the Balkan countries. In the Iberian Peninsula rainfall has been abundant all winter and spring long, crop prospects are excellent. The Madrid Ministry estimates a crop of 10.4 Mill. Tons vs. 8.2 Mill. last year.

In France, England, Germany, Czech, Slovakia and South Poland effects of the draught are obvious, the number of ears per square meter is less than average, lower yields are forecast. One hope is that barley kernels will be plump, thereby reducing yield losses. Barley fields in Scotland, Denmark and Sweden are in fine shape; also Northern Poland reports good prospects. Very poor crops are forecast for Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, although Hungary and Romania may harvest some reasonably good winter barley.

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