Beer recipe - Triple Blond
ABV 9% | Color 15 EBC | Bitterness 32 IBU |
Strong blond beer, slightly gold. It imparts a malty aroma, a creamy mouthfeel, and a delicately sweet taste with a soft and moderate bitterness. Very balanced and complex. Reveals orangey, red fruity, malty, and floral flavors with a long, dry, and pleasantly bitter aftertaste.
Temperature: 4 - 8°C
Referment this beer in the bottle using SafAle F-2 to carbonate the beer and make it more complex.
Château Pilsen 2RS
80% / 24.0 kg
Château Cara Blond®
10% / 3.0 kg
Château Cara Clair®
5% / 1.5 kg
Château Wheat Blanc
5% / 1.5 kg
Polaris (20.0% aa)
20.8 IBU / 35 g
Perle (8.0% aa)
3.2 IBU / 80 g
Cascade (6.0% aa)
3.2 IBU / 100 g
Mosaic (12.0% aa)
4.8 IBU / 80 g
Mashing temperature
Step 1: Mashing
Mash-in and follow the profile below:
Mash-in at 62°C
Rest for 45min at 62°C
Rise to 72°C at 0.5°C/min
Rest for 15min at 72°C and do the Iodine Test
Rise to 78°C at 1°C/min
Rest for 2min at 78°C to mash out
Once the mash is done, filter and sparge with water at 78°C
Step 2: Boiling
Boil for 75min.
Hop addition 1: After 15min add Polaris.
Hop Addition 2: After 70min add Perle, Cascade, Mosaic and Candy Sugar.
Whirlpool to remove the trub
Total evap | 7.5% | Batch size | 100L | OG | 18.5oP | Efficiency | 80% |
Step 3: Fermentation and Maturation
Cooldown the wort to 22°C and pitch the yeast.
Ferment at 22°C for 2 days then rise to 25°C. Once the fermentation is done (FG reached and off-flavors removed – about 7 days), drop the temperature to 8°C and rest for 1 day, and then harvest the yeast. Drop the temperature to 2°C and rest for 10 days.
Step 4: Cold Aging and Packaging
Cold age the beer at -1°C for 5 days, remove the residual yeast, and carbonate until 2.8 volumes of CO2. The beer is ready to package and drink. Enjoy!
*For refermentation in the bottle, add brewing sugar and SafAle F-2.
Cette recette est fournie par la Malterie du Château. Veuillez noter que cette recette est juste une ligne directrice vous permettant d'ajouter une touche personnelle à votre bière. S'il vous plaît noter que certaines modifications peuvent être nécessaires pour répondre aux conditions technologiques spécifiques de la brasserie définies par l'équipement, l'eau, etc.
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