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맥주 레시피 - Blond Beer (Leffe Style)
Original gravity: 13.5 o PL
Alcohol: 6.5%
Colour: 8-12 EBC
Bitterness: 25 - 30 IBU

르페는InBev Belgium 이소유한브랜드맥주이며유럽에서운영되는글로발기업인 Anheuser-Bush InBev양조장입니다.

Expert advice: “The first thing to appeal to me is Leffe Blond’s beautifully golden colour, which manages to catch and reflect the light. This unique colour is due to the use of pale malt, water, hop and yeast, of which this age-old recipe is composed. This blond, top-fermented beer will also win you over with its full, smooth and fruity flavour, which is followed by a strong and surprising aftertaste.”

Food Pairing: While this is a perfect aperitif beer, it also tastes delicious with a wide variety of dishes, especially red meat, sweet and sour dishes and white mould cheese, such as Camenbert, Brie, Brillat-Savarin or Saint-Marcellin. Leffe Blond is best served at 5-6°C in a beer chalice, which will allow all the flavours to come through.


Château Pilsen 2RS 26 kg / hl
Château Pale Ale 1.5 kg / hl

Saaz 100 g / hl
Tradition 50 g / hl

Safbrew T-58 65 g / hl

Coriander 100 gr / hl

Mashing Temperature

Step 1: Mashing
Mash at 63 oC and rest for 80 minutes
Raise the temperature to 68oC, rest for 15 minutes
Raise the temperature to 78oC, rest for 2 minutes
Step 2: Boiling
Duration: 1 hour, the volume of wort declines by 6 - 10%
After 10 minutes add Saaz;
After 55 minutes add Halertauer Aroma and 100 gr of coriander;
Remove the trub.
Step 3: Fermentation
Start at 25oC, raise the temperature to 28oC, allow the dyacetil to rest for 24 hours at the end of fermentation prior to yeast removal.
Step 4: Lagering
2 days at 12oC and 2 weeks at 0-1oC

Dieses Bierrezept wurde von Castle Malting ® erstellt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Rezept nur ein Leitfaden ist. Einige Änderungen könnten erforderlich sein, um das Rezept an spezifische technologische Bedingungen, die Ergiebigkeit der Zutaten wie den Getreidetrockenextrakt oder den Alphasäuregehalt des Hopfens anzupassen.

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