Beer recipe - American Style Lager
ABV 5% | Color 7 EBC | Bitterness 20 IBU |
A beer with a blond and golden color and beautiful off-white foam. On the palate, it reveals flavors of malt, flowers, herbs and hops. It is a light and refreshing beer. Leaves a dry finish.
Glass: Pilsner Glass
Temperature: 2-4°C
Before cool down to 8°C and stop fermentation, make sure diacetyl and acetaldehyde have been reduced to avoid off-flavors and a long maturation period.
Château Pilsen 2RS
75% / 13.3 kg
Château Maize Flakes
20% / 3.5 kg
Château Cara Clair®
5% / 0.9 kg
Perle (8.0% aa)
17 IBU / 80 g
Saaz (3.5% aa)
3 IBU / 140 g
Mashing temperature
Step 1: Mashing
Mash-in and follow the profile below:
Mash-in at 52°C. Rest for 5min at 52°C
Rise to 63°C at 1°C/min. Rest for 40min at 63°C
Rise to 72°C at 1°C/min. Rest for 15min at 72°C and do the Iodine Test
Rise to 78°C at 1°C/min
Rest for 2min at 78°C to mash out
Once the mash is done, filter and sparge with water at 78°C
Step 2: Boiling
Boil for 60min.
Hop addition 1: After 10min add Perle.
Hop Addition 2: After 50min add Saaz.
Whirlpool to remove the trub
Total evap | 6.0% | Batch size | 100L | OG | 11.5oP | Efficiency | 85% |
Step 3: Fermentation and Maturation
Cooldown the wort to 10°C and pitch the yeast.
Ferment at 10°C for 2 days then rise to 14°C. Once the fermentation is done (FG reached and off-flavors removed – about 7 days), drop the temperature to 8°C and rest for 1 day, and then harvest the yeast. Drop the temperature to 2°C and rest for 7 days.
Step 4: Cold Aging and Packaging
Cold age the beer at -1°C for 5 days, remove the residual yeast, and carbonate until 2.5 volumes of CO2. The beer is ready to package and drink. Enjoy!
*For refermentation in the bottle, add brewing sugar and SafAle F-2.
Dieses Bierrezept wurde von Castle Malting ® erstellt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Rezept nur ein Leitfaden ist. Einige Änderungen könnten erforderlich sein, um das Rezept an spezifische technologische Bedingungen, die Ergiebigkeit der Zutaten wie den Getreidetrockenextrakt oder den Alphasäuregehalt des Hopfens anzupassen.
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