World: Global barley trade forecast reduced on lower export expectations for EU, Canada, Russia
Global barley trade forecast for 2024/25 is reduced this month to 27.479 mln tonnes from 28.679 mln tonnes in June on lower export expectations for the EU, Canada, and Russia, USDA said in their July report.
Import forecast for China is unchanged at 10.2 mln tonnes and reduced by 300 thousand tonnes to 2.2 mln for Saudi Arabia.
World barley crop is now forecast to total 145.067 mln tonnes versus 147.955 mln tonnes forecast in June and 142.285 mln tonnes estimated for 2023/24.
Crop forecasts are reduced for the EU (52.8 mln tonnes vs 53.8 mln in USDAs June report), Russia (18.2 mln tonnes vs 19 mln), and Canada (8.6 mln vs. 9.6 mln tonnes).
Global barley consumption is seen at 148.079 mln tonnes (148.543 mln in the June report, 142.147 mln in 2023/24) and ending stocks at 17.906 mln tonnes (18.269 and 20.918 mln tonnes, respectively).