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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with Ukrainean
08 May, 2007

Brewing news Canada: Big Rock Brewery launches a new beer – XO Lager

Big Rock Brewery is going to launch a new beer – XO Lager, CCNMatthews reported May 7.

XO Lager is a recipe for a 165 year old pilsner beer style. It has a creamy head and a crisp clean finish. XO's soft delicious balance is accomplished by using Saaz hops from the Czech Republic, one of the most 'noble' hops in the world. The name XO signifies the extra time left to age in our lagering cellars.

XO Lager will make its formal debut at Calgary's best party, the 2007 Eddies on June 4th at the Jack Singer Concert Hall. During the sneak preview on May 14th we'll announce prizing for a new contest at the Eddies. The prizes will be awarded for the best outfits at the Eddies which express the spirit of Extra Old; be it your favorite old Hollywood Character, your sweet grandmother, your most loved classic novel... you get the XO picture.

The 2007 Eddies submissions will be running during the May 14th festivities at the brewery and the talented men and women who made them will be in attendance.

Big Rock Brewery is a regional producer and marketer of premium quality craft beers, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Big Rock's products are available in draught, bottles and cans. The company also produces and distributes cider. Big Rock products are distributed in seven provinces and three territories in Canada.

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