South Africa: South Africa suffering beer shortages
Beer drinkers in South Africa are becoming increasingly frustrated as both Amstel and Heineken products have been in short supply, UPI reported May 6.
The beer shortages began in March when Dutch brewer Heineken stopped allowing a regional distributor to brew and sell Amstel Lager after nearly 40 years of producing the alcoholic beverage, The Cape Argus reported Sunday.
Many beer drinkers turned to the Heineken as a temporary replacement and Heineken became scarce throughout the nation.
"Amstel used to be our number-one seller, but when we could no longer obtain that we found many drinkers turned to Heineken and that became the number one," said Annie Barendse, a bar manager in Cape Town.
Heineken has plans to build a local brewery in South Africa in the future, but said in March that it would take nearly five months for Amstel bottles to become available, the Cape Argus said.