We are pleased to announce to you the launch of SafBrew LA-01 and SafBrew DA-16, the ideal yeasts for low- and high-alcohol levels, depending on your needs!
SafBrew™ LA-01 has been specifically selected for the production of low and/or non-alcoholic beverages (<0.5ABV).
This yeast does not assimilate maltose and maltotriose but assimilates simple sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) and is characterized by a subtle aroma profile.
SafBrew™ DA-16 is a powerful solution for the production of very dry and flavorful beers, particularly fruity and hoppy ones such as Brut IPAs.
It is also recommended for very high gravity wort, allowing a level of alcohol up to 16% ABV.
These 2 yeasts are available in 500g and 10kg packaging. Do not forget to include them in your next order!