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New Yeast SafAle BE-134 by Fermentis® Already Available at Castle Malting®

We are pleased to announce you the launch of SafAle BE-134, the new yeast strain for Belgian Saison-style beers!

This typical yeast strain available within our product portfolio is recommended for brewing belgian Saison-style beers and is characterized by a particularly high attenuation (more than 90%). It develops fruity aromas with a spicy character such as clove notes. This strain will produce highly refreshing and drinkable beers.

"BE" refers to the country of Belgium and its wide variety of beers; “134” is a yeast strain code which refers to the product range.

Safbrew™ BE-134 is available in stock now. Do not forget to include it into your next order!

Published: 23/06/2017
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