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XI Forum of brewers, distillers and beverage producers: Learn to win!

The abhorrent, devastating war in Ukraine is approaching its 600th day with a scale of devastation not seen in Europe since the end of World War II. And yet, the Ukrainian people demonstrate awesome resilience and try to lead as normal a life as possible, despite enormous human loss, pain, destruction and disruption.

The 11th Forum of brewers, distillers, and beverage producers, that took place in Lviv on September 7-8 is a palpable demonstration of this astonishing spirit of defying resilience against all odds, that penetrates the entire Ukrainian society since February 2022. Ukrainians themselves call it “незламність” (nezlamnist) in their highly expressive language. Having been dragged into a brutal war situation, in which winning is the only way to survive, they strive to learn how to win in any aspect of their life, brewing included!

At Castle Malting, we feel immensely proud, that we were there, standing with the Ukrainian people in their fight to create and thrive in this “new normal”, which the war brought about.

Ukrainian brewing industry after the shock of coronavirus “new normal” is learning to cope with another by far more challenging situation: war.

What Ukrainians bravely demonstrate these days, their admirable “спрага до перемоги” (spraga do peremogi, which literally means thirst after victory) is an invaluable lesson for everybody of us, applying to personal life, business, civic engagement and responsibility!

Let us hope that next year’s forum will occur in conditions of enduring peace!

#ukrainianbeer #ukrainianbrewery #castlemalting #ukrainecraftbeer #craftbeer

Published: 08/09/2023
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