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CASTLE MALTING NEWS en colaboración con Spanish
15 June, 2007

Barley news Australia: Malting barley growers warned about storing their grain in ''sausage'' bags

Barley Australia Chairman David Thomas said that until research work on the effect sausage bags had on the germination of malting barley was completed, growers should be cautious about using the storage option, Nationwide News Pty Limited reported June 13.

''The barley industry is always concerned about any factor that may damage germination and, as such, Barley Australia urges growers to be cautious about storing malting barley in sausage bags,'' Mr Thomas said.

''At least two member parties of Barley Australia have indicated they will not purchase malting barley that has been stored in sausage bags,'' he said.

Barley Australia was set up in early 2005 as the peak barley body overseeing industry consultation, promotion and variety classification.

Members include ABB Grain Ltd, CBH Group, GrainCorp and four maltsters.

Mr Thomas said one maltster already had an incident where malting barley stored in a sausage bag failed to germinate properly.

''Malting barley is more finicky than most grains,'' he said.

''Keeping malting barley alive and respiring is vital for the malting process.

''The process of making malt is dependent on a live barley grain capable of vigorous germination.

''Only a live barley grain will trigger the cascade of biochemical reactions required to convert barley into malt suitable for brewing.''

Mr Thomas said the quality of storage was important to ensure good germination.

Barley marketer and grain handler ABB Grain is running a research trial of malting barley stored in sausage bags in conjunction with the CSIRO's Stored Grain Research Laboratory.

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