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CASTLE MALTING NEWS en colaboración con Spanish
13 June, 2007

Malting news World: In the last weeks of May a number of new malt factory projects were announced

Heine of Peine, Germany, constructs a malthouse in the port of Hamburg, 75,000 tons; They will shut an old unit of 30,000 tons at Peine.

Simpsons of Berwick, U.K., will expand their Berwick plant by 30 – 40,000 tons.

Avangard, Moscow/Bremen, confirmed the completion of the half-finished malting tower at Koblenz, Germany, capacity 80,000 tons.

Soufflet has started construction of a 100,000 tons plant in Romania. Analysts assume that a few more old factories will be shut down in that country.

Soufflet will also build a 130,000 tons malthouse at their headquarters in Nogent, France, expanding their own capacity to 750,000 tons in France.

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