Canada: Government pushed to move the introduction free market on barley to June 15th
The Western Barley Growers Association, the Alberta Barley Commission, and the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association want the federal government to move up the date for the introduction of a free market on barley to June 15th, Radioowensound announced June 1.
Currently the federal government is proposing an August 1st implementation date.
Barley growers president Jeff Nielsen says moving the date makes it easier for the malting industry to source their needs directly from farmers.
Nielsen says they'll need to contract directly with producers for the rest of this crop year, as well as next years needs.
The early introduction of free marketing also would give farmers and grain companies greater ability to take advantage of export sales opportunities, in both feed and malt barley., la fuente de información global para los profesionales de la industria cervecera y de malteado. Los boletines quincenales de incluyen las últimas noticias de la industria, estadísticas en gráficos y tablas, precios mundiales de cebada y malta, y otra información relevante. Haga clic aquí para obtener acceso completo a Si usted es un cliente de Castle Malting, puede obtener acceso gratuito al sitio web y publicaciones de Contáctenos para obtener más información en