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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with
28 February, 2007

Brewing news Czech Republic: Budweiser Budvar is launching a new draught beer brand “Pardál”

Budweiser Budvar N.C. launches a new pale draught beer under the brand name of “Pardál“on 1st March 2007, according to brewer’s press centre, February 22. This beer is going to extend Budweiser Budvar’s existing product range and at the same time break the rank of the range, having a distinctively different flavour with stronger bitterness, literally made to measure for its future consumers. What makes the beer very interesting is the fact that its future consumers took part in the development process.

“We decided to enter a new consumer segment, in which we’d had no product so far. As of now, our product range will contain a premium TOP brand Budweiser Budvar and a quality brand of the medium price segment, which is expected to further increase our overall sales,” says Budweiser Budvar’s CEO, Jiří Boček. The “Pardál” beer is brewed using traditional best quality raw materials and water drawn from artesian wells. “Pardál’s flavour and other qualities are substantially different from Budweiser Budvar’s existing product range and will address a completely new customer group,” adds Jiří Boček.

The actual project of the new beer development started as early as August 2005. Budweiser Budvar opted for a unique strategy, which is without parallel in the Czech Republic as well as worldwide. The future consumers got the chance to significantly shape the final product’s qualities by joining the beer tasting in three extensive rounds of tasting events. Guided by the production engineer and Pardál’s essential recipe author Aleš Dvořák, selected beer consumers from the whole of the South Bohemian Region assessed the flavour and other qualities of the beer, which were further modified according to their comments. “Development of the new beer was really challenging. Many months of hard work, while we were fine-tuning the beer in compliance with the future consumers’ comments, are behind the final flavour of the “Pardál” beer. We trust to have developed a beer that consumers will regard as very tasty,” Aleš Dvořák comments upon the new beer’s development.

The strong connection of “Pardál” and its creators is reflected in Budweiser Budvar’s decision to utilize them in the advertising campaign. Billboards and beer mats picture the actual participants of the tasting events. “We are pleased to have developed the cooperation with consumers into the advertising sphere as well, which makes it not only unique and interesting but also authentic. Taking part in the advertising campaign, the beer consumers participating in the Pardál’s development proudly stood up for the result of their work,” explains Pardál’s brand manager, Pavlína Jandová.

During the first stage starting on 1st March 2007, “Pardál“ is going to be sold only in the Region of South Bohemia. The date of launching the nation-wide distribution is going to be decided on after reflecting on the sales results within 2007. “Pardál“ is going to be supplied in two packaging formats - 0.5 l bottles and traditional 50 l KEG barrels.

The restaurant price of the beer should range between 14 to 16 CZK per half a litre of draught beer. The recommended price in shops will be 8.30 CZK per 0.5 l bottle. The start-up and discount prices will be even a bit lower.

The “Pardál” beer’s basic parameters:

Beer type: pale draught beer
Grading: 9.7%
Alcohol content: 3.8% vol.
Guaranteed for: 6 months

Budweiser Budvar N.C. brewery has been for a long time one of the most successful Czech foodstuff company. Nearly half of its production is exported to more than 50 countries worldwide. Budweiser Budvar N.C. keeps improving the quality of its production capacity. Since 1991, roughly 3,000 million CZK have been invested into the modernization and development of the brewery. The 2006 sales increased by 5% and reached 1,152,000 hectolitres of beer.

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