Canada: Barley production forecast to rebound by 0.7 mln tonnes
A rebound in Canadas barley production is forecast at +0.7 mln tonnes to 8.8 mln for crop25 on a return to long-term average yields, RMI Analytics said in their latest report.
Scattered moisture has improved soil moisture conditions to a small degree over the past two-weeks, which is mildly beneficial ahead of crop25. A few isolated dry areas still persist.
Canadian malting barley deliveries to maltsters are low, and prices are under pressure. Export feed barley prices are steady which is reducing the malting premium in the process. The situation is similar for domestic feed barley, with prices steady; cattle feeders are well covered and imported US corn prices are up on higher futures and a weaker CAD., la fuente de información global para los profesionales de la industria cervecera y de malteado. Los boletines quincenales de incluyen las últimas noticias de la industria, estadísticas en gráficos y tablas, precios mundiales de cebada y malta, y otra información relevante. Haga clic aquí para obtener acceso completo a Si usted es un cliente de Castle Malting, puede obtener acceso gratuito al sitio web y publicaciones de Contáctenos para obtener más información en