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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with Greek
08 January, 2025

Brewing news Namibia: Bank of Namibia reports increase in beer production in Q4

Three months before the festive season, an increase in the manufacturing of beer and soft drinks could be observed in Namibia, The Namibian reported on January 8.

The Bank of Namibia (BoN) quarterly report shows that the manufacturing industry as a whole recorded positive growth year-on-year.

“Improvements were observed in the production of prominent manufactured products, such as blister copper, cement, soft drinks and beer,” says the BoN.

Blister copper recorded a growth of 49.2%, cement recorded a 2.2% increase, soft drink production increased by 6.6%, while beer recorded a 41.1% increase.

According to the BoN, the increase in beverage production was due to a higher demand and export volumes.

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