EU: Markets are firm, old and new crop prices are at the same level
The crop year of 2006/07 is approaching its end. There is little domestic activity in old crop malting barley, but open demand is still seen for export to Russia.
Feed barley markets are very tight; the EU Commission has reduced intervention stocks to a quarter million tons. Markets are firm, old and new crop prices are at the same level, CPT Rouen EUR 152,- and CPT Rotterdam/Dutch/NW German consumption regions close to EUR 160,- for June/August. Export business has been done to Morocco at US$ 250,-/255,- CFR. As international barley traders are apprehensive about a possible barley export embargo of the Ukraine, much of the Middle East demand is shifted to the EU, until Canadian and Australian new crop barley become available., la fuente de información global para los profesionales de la industria cervecera y de malteado. Los boletines quincenales de incluyen las últimas noticias de la industria, estadísticas en gráficos y tablas, precios mundiales de cebada y malta, y otra información relevante. Haga clic aquí para obtener acceso completo a Si usted es un cliente de Castle Malting, puede obtener acceso gratuito al sitio web y publicaciones de Contáctenos para obtener más información en