Cuba & USA: Cuba to enter in malting barley deal with USA
North Dakota officials hope to issue good news this week about new deals with Cuba for malting barley and other commodities, Dakota Farmer reported May 28.
Roger Johnson, North Dakota commissioner, has been in Cuba with a group of farmers, processors and state officials. They have been negotiating with Cuban import officials
The Cuban government will require a specific label and package for shipment into their country.
"The Cubans also want a phytosanitary requirement for barley malt, something that isn't now required by the U.S., but is required by other international markets," Johnson says. "Our phytosanitary experts will work with the federal officials to develop a process that will permit the first shipments of North Dakota barley malt to go to Cuba.", la fuente de información global para los profesionales de la industria cervecera y de malteado. Los boletines quincenales de incluyen las últimas noticias de la industria, estadísticas en gráficos y tablas, precios mundiales de cebada y malta, y otra información relevante. Haga clic aquí para obtener acceso completo a Si usted es un cliente de Castle Malting, puede obtener acceso gratuito al sitio web y publicaciones de Contáctenos para obtener más información en