Australia: Australian barley markets are calm
In April Australia recorded rainfalls between 5 and 25 mm in the grain areas, virtually all of it in the past 7 days. The rains were very welcome as a break of the draught period and enabled first plantings of barley. Follow-up rain is needed, the more so as the long dryness had left seedbeds in a very poor shape.
Long-term weather forecasts should always be taken with great caution, but the Australian May-July forecast does not look good. The ABARE crop estimate of 9 million tonnes of barley must be hoped for, but is far from certain at this time. Markets are calm, Australian malting barley quotes of US$ 320,- CIF China stir no reaction., la fuente de información global para los profesionales de la industria cervecera y de malteado. Los boletines quincenales de incluyen las últimas noticias de la industria, estadísticas en gráficos y tablas, precios mundiales de cebada y malta, y otra información relevante. Haga clic aquí para obtener acceso completo a Si usted es un cliente de Castle Malting, puede obtener acceso gratuito al sitio web y publicaciones de Contáctenos para obtener más información en