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Ενημερωτικά Έντυπα

맥주 레시피 - Spicy Blond Beer
Original gravity: 18-20 o PL
Alcohol: 8-9 %
Colour: 14- 16 EBC
Bitterness: 25 IBU
중간수준의강력한스페셜맥주로서복잡하고가볍게스위트한향미를가진벨기에맥주. 드라이한피니쉬. 앰버-골든색그리고하얀색의거품과완벽한거품유지력그리고레이싱. 시나몬, 클로버, 효모그리고가볍고달달한몰트냄새. 부르럽고크리스피한식감과중간정도의탄산.


Château Pilsen 2RS 25 kg / hl
Château Biscuit 5 kg / hl

Goldings 100 g / hl
Palisade 50 g / hl

Safbrew T-58 50-80 g / hl
Safbrew F-2 (Second fermentation) 2.5-5 g / hl

Cinnamon 26.2 g / hl
Clove 1.05 g / hl
Mashing temperature
Step1: Mashing
-Mash in 70 liters of water 60oC then gradually raise the temperature to 63oC
-Keep at 63oC for 50 minutes
-Raise the temperature to 73oC and keep at 10 minutes
-Raise the temperature to 78oC and keep during 2 minutes
Step 2: Filtration
Separate the wort from the spent grain with 40l of water at 78 oC
Step 3: Boiling
Duration: 1hour 30 minutes; the volume of wort declines by 8-10%
-After 15 minutes add halt of the hops
-10 minutes before the end of the boiling, add the rest of the hops, sugar, if necessary, and the spices.
-Remove the trub
Step 4: Cooling at 22-24 oC
Step 5: Fermentation 24-25 oC during 7 days
Step 6: Rest minimum 2 weeks at 0 - 4 °C

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